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GenOs Index - The April (aka the Frenetic Pace) Edition

Four weeks ago, we launched the Generative AI Open Source (GenOS) Index to track the top open source projects related to Generative AI and LLMs. Given how fast the space is evolving, four weeks has felt like four years and it is high time we are back with the next monthly installment of the GenOS Index!

First, a refresher on the methodology. Every month, we identify the top 30 open source projects in Generative AI as ranked by GitHub star growth (adds) in the preceding 90 days, with 500-star adds being the minimum for a project to be considered. Furthermore, we categorize the projects into three categories - Models, Infrastructure/Tools and Applications - to have visibility into how different parts of the Generative AI ecosystem are evolving.

The key takeaways from this month’s GenOS Index are the following:

Significant turnover in the top 30

18 of the 30 top projects - including the topmost project Auto-GPT - featured in the current GenOS Index were not on this list last month. That is remarkable and reflects the breathtaking pace of innovation in the Generative AI space!

Median age of the new entrants is only 41 days

While the GenOS Index ranks projects based on star adds over the last 90 days, several of the new entrants this month have existed for far less. For example, Auto-GPT (#1 on the list) was created only on March 16th, AgentGPT (#14) on April 7th and BabyAGI (#25) on April 3rd. Again, that reflects how fast things are moving in Generative AI and how quickly some of the most interesting projects are gaining traction.

Models and Infrastructure/Tooling weigh more in the top 30

Finally, the category makeup - across Models, Infrastructure/Tooling and Applications - for the top 30 projects changed this month and skewed more towards Models and Infrastructure/Tooling.

We do not believe that the above reflects any slowdown in the Applications category. Instead, our hypothesis here is that, projects in Models and Infrastructure/Tooling are gaining more adoption with more apps getting built and users pushing the boundaries of what is possible, leading to a more fragmented Applications subcategory.

The list of all top 30 projects in this month’s GenOS Index are as follows:

Looking out for the Rising Stars

Finally, here are a few other really interesting projects that have gained traction and those we expect to break into a future edition of the GenOS Index:

  • Dolly: An instruction-following large language model trained on the Databricks machine learning platform that is licensed for commercial use
  • Evals: Evals is a framework from OpenAI for evaluating LLMs and LLM systems, and an open-source registry of benchmarks
  • Diffusers: State-of-the-art diffusion models for image and audio generation in PyTorch
  • Web LLM: Bringing large-language models and chat to web browsers with no server support
  • Chroma: AI-native open-source embedding database

That is it for this month - stay tuned for the next monthly installment of the GenOS Index and keep that seat belt buckled. We're definitely in for a wild ride!