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GTM Playbooks

ChatGPT Prompts for Growth and Marketing: techniques and examples

We all know by now that ChatGPT and Generative AI are incredibly powerful, but often, it is not until we see examples and concrete tips that we can realize how they can drastically accelerate our day-to-day productivity. This article by François Dufour, CMO in Residence, shares concrete techniques and a couple of powerful prompts for accelerating your growth and marketing efforts. 

Guillaume Dumortier and I met years ago through the French community in Silicon Valley. We caught up recently after noticing each other's ChatGPT-related tips on LinkedIn. I then realized that Guillaume had perfected the art of prompting the tool to accelerate and augment many marketing and growth activities. He kindly agreed to share some of his techniques and prompts. I hope you find them as valuable as I did and that they can significantly boost your productivity and creativity.

Can you share your journey in Growth and with ChatGPT with us? How did you get started and why?

I've been involved with Marketing and Growth in the Bay Area for over 15 years.  In 2015, I built the first demand-generation team for Algolia, which played a critical role in accelerating its brand recognition in the US and emulating its loyal base of self-serve users. I've consulted and successfully deployed my marketing and growth frameworks across more than 500 companies including Bank of the West, Kering, Life360, and Henry’s.

My journey with ChatGPT began last year when I got my hands on ChatGPT-3 and started dabbling with DALL-E. After the initial thrill, I didn't engage much, but the game changed with the advent of GPT-4 in December. I found myself investing more time, even going as far as crafting a VC fundraising simulation game using the platform.

However, the real epiphany came during the notorious SVB crash weekend. It prompted a moment of introspection: "What could be a bigger threat than this?" The immediate response was the potential of AI overshadowing growth consultants. This insight fueled an intense 60-hour brainstorming spree over the subsequent three days. I channeled all my expertise to devise eight impactful prompts that resonated with my marketing ethos. Since then, my journey has been one of continuous refinement and innovation.

What are your 5 top tips for crafting great prompts?

In an AI world where precision, clarity, and excellence are paramount, I came up with this approach to create the most optimal context for prompt engineering: the DAFT framework. It’s a powerful tool to guide and optimize task execution:


Defining the role of the agent involves clarifying the specific expertise, skills, and characteristics that the agent embodies. This step ensures that the agent understands its role and responsibilities clearly and can approach the task with the necessary knowledge and context.

Example: If the task is to create an engaging social media campaign for a fitness brand, defining the role of the agent might involve highlighting their expertise in digital marketing, social media strategy, and fitness industry trends.


Assigning the task involves providing the agent with a clear and detailed explanation of what needs to be accomplished. This includes outlining the task's objectives, goals, constraints, and any specific requirements. A well-assigned task sets the agent up for success by giving them all the necessary information.

Example: For a content writer tasked with creating a blog post about sustainable living, the assignment might include details about the target audience (eco-conscious millennials), the main topics to cover (reducing waste, eco-friendly products), and the desired tone (informative and motivational).


Formatting the output is about structuring the agent's work in a clear and organized manner. This could involve specifying the format, layout, and presentation style of the output. Proper formatting ensures that the information is presented effectively and is easy for the intended audience to understand.

Example: If the agent is asked to create a PowerPoint presentation on market trends, formatting the output would involve organizing slides with clear headings, concise bullet points, relevant graphs, and visual elements that support the information being presented.


Tuning the output is the process of refining and optimizing the agent's work to achieve the best possible outcome. This includes reviewing, editing, and enhancing the output to ensure it meets your quality standards, aligns with the goals of the task, and effectively communicates the intended message.

Example: Imagine the agent has created a promotional video for a new luxury skincare line targeting an audience seeking premium, natural beauty products. Tuning the output would involve reviewing the video script to ensure that the narration reflects the sophistication and the tone of the brand.

I also tell people to:

  • provide examples of good outputs. The more detailed, the better. 
  • ask for rationale and explanations so they can understand how on point (or off) it is and how it got there
  • do a critical review of outputs - don’t hesitate to re-prompt, tell it to start again, criticize, etc. 
  • switch models to compare the outputs
  • groom your [product] variable - that is critical to get right
  • limit web browsing to 2 URL references in the prompt

Can you share an example of one of your most effective prompts?

Of course. Here is even one that we worked on together, after I saw your LinkedIn post on creating billboard campaigns: it creates copy for attention-grabbing campaigns. 

Note that ChatGPT already has quite often the context of popular frameworks. In the example below, I mentioned the 4C's copywriting formula. It's been documented so much on the internet that I do not need to reintroduce it to ChatGPT. Same thing for the “value proposition canvas”. Note how specific I am in the formulation and the formatting of the outputs. I am also specific with the voice and style I wanted to use.

Don't underestimate how critical it is to get the variable right - “product" in the example below.

You are a master advertising guru and won many advertising awards for your attention-grabbing online and out-of-home campaigns. After researching the complete value proposition canvas for my [product], help me create a remarkable and memorable awareness campaign.
Generate the following outputs:
1/A summarizing table of 10 creative angles that emulate the customer pains, the jobs to be done, the customers motivation, triggers and barriers and the unique value of my product. Explain your thinking for each and what part of the value proposition it emulates.
2/For each creative angle, a summarizing table of 10 billboard concepts that include a remarkable headline with my product name and a different rhetorical device, in different tones and including a 5-word signature that describes the value of my product. Use the 4Cs copywriting formula.
3/A summarizing table of 10 thought-provoking questions that allow customers to go deeper.
4/A summarizing table of 10 “Pick a fight” super irreverent questions or statements that allow customers to pick a fight with what they don't like about working with current legacy and alternative solutions to my product.
5/A summarizing table of concepts that you, as the most creative, original and irreverent creative director in the world, didn't dare to propose because I did not brief you right or allow you to fully unleash your creativity. Each of them should win a global advertising award for how original, unexpected and engaging it is.
Don’t use marketing buzzwords, jargon and cliches like "full potential", "unleashed", "elevate your productivity". Your common sense, thought-provoking and irreverent questions are better. Use more direct and simple speech.
[product] =

After describing a product that resembles Twilio Engage (I got some copy from their site), this is what I obtained in just under 10 seconds:

Not bad for just a few minutes of prompting work and just one round, no!?

How should Marketers and Growth professionals use ChatGPT? What are other use cases?

You can see some of my top use cases in this list: 

For product marketing-related activities, you can create prompts to flesh out and refine your B2B customer personas (their profiles, common challenges, KPIs, needs, typical tasks, tools most commonly used, etc.), to explore positioning directions for your product (make sure to feed it your target personas and good description of your product, competitive alternatives), to craft the expression powerful positioning statements or narratives, to better tailor your messaging to your various personas, verticals or use cases. It's also a phenomenal companion to look for names of your category, products, or features.

Then, to craft and execute both your content and campaigns, you can use it to create copy for your blog posts, emails, and landing pages, even creating multiple versions of your pages to match the various combinations of personas, ICPs, use cases and industry targets (that saves you a ton of time), as you will see below. You can go further and craft personalize outreach for your BDRs and SDRs' targets based on their companies, things they started doing with your self serve product, pages of your website they consulted, their LinkedIn profile, etc.

You can also generate analysis and recommendations of keywords for your SEO, and even the associated copy for the various landing pages and blog posts that will try and rank for them. 

For all things related to keywords, BARD will be more accurate when referencing Google Keyword Planner in the prompt, which will better quantify the monthly search volumes.

And of course, you can create copy for all your types of ads. It can very quickly propose multiple concepts and tailor them based on your various personas and industries.

Can you share your prompt for B2B landing page copy creation? I heard it impressed more than one CMO...

Yes, here is a powerful prompt for creating structured landing page copy:

As a seasoned B2B Sales and Marketing consultant you know how to build a website product page like no one else by helping SaaS startups identify the best-fit customers for my [product].
Your task is to assist me in crafting a high-conversion product page for my SaaS startup, where the [product] is targeted at our ideal customer [persona]. The goal is to match the features of our [product] with the jobs-to-be-done by our [persona].
First, develop a Value Proposition Framework canvas that highlights the main value our [product] brings to the [persona]. Capture this in a table.
Then, please provide the following deliverables:
1/ Above the Fold Experience: Write an SEO-optimized headline that clearly states what our [product] is and who it's for. Complement it with a sub-headline that succinctly describes what the [product] does and the problem it solves. Next, answer the following questions in a brief copy: How does our [product] match what our [persona] needs? How does our [product] solve their problem? Why should our [persona] invest in our [product]? Create a compelling call to action to guide our [persona] on the next step.
2/ Trust Badge Banner: Display logos of businesses that utilize our [product] to build trust with potential customers. Research and provide 5 business logos that are users of our [product].
3/ Detailed Feature Expansion: Highlight the main features of our [product] and explain their benefits to the [persona] and how they overcome objections. Suggest three use cases that further illustrate this. Provide a table of unique attributes of our [product] that only we have, and explain why these features make our product unique. Write engaging website copy for each unique feature and attribute.
4/ Second Call to Action: Provide a brief description of what a demo of our [product] would look like, including a header that conveys its value to the [persona]. Add a second call to action encouraging them to sign up for a demo.
5/ Barriers: List five potential barriers or decisions that might require further discussion. Suggest website copy to overcome each barrier.
6/ Testimonials: Write three testimonials from users who love our product, including their name and title for credibility.
7/ FAQs: Create a list of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.
8/ Wrap-up: Summarize why our [persona] should take the next step and reiterate the unique benefits of our [product].
[product] =
[persona] =

Beyond those, what are other use cases that may seem less obvious to Marketers?

A recent addition to ChaGPT's functionality, Code Interpreter (available in ChatGPT Plus) allows you to:

A) Prepare a detailed marketing performance report based on a CSV file from your marketing tooling or CRM

B) Create advanced data visualizations by invoking specific libraries:

  • Matplotlib: Line plot, Histogram, Bar plot, Scatter plot, Area plot, Pie plot, Error bars, Box plot, Heatmap, 3D plot, and so on.
  • Seaborn: Line plot, Histogram, Bar plot, Scatter plot, Violin plot, Box plot, Heatmap, Pairplot, and so on.
  • Plotly: Line plot, Scatter plot, Bar plot, Pie plot, Bubble chart, Histogram, Box Plot, Heatmap, 3D plot, and so on.
  • Bokeh: Line plot, Scatter plot, Bar plot, Histogram, Box plot, Heatmap, and so on.
  • Pandas: Line plot, Bar plot, Histogram, Box plot, Scatter plot, Area plot, Pie plot, and so on.
  • Chart.js: Line plot, Bar plot, Radar plot, Doughnut and Pie plot, Polar Area plot, Bubble plot, Scatter plot, Area plot, and so on.

C) Create QR codes for your marketing campaigns

Code Interpreter allows you to upload files, a whole PDF for instance, and request either a summary, the key takeaways, or a rewrite of some sections. It can even generate graphics and files from it.

You can also create and run Sales / Customer call simulations to train and certify your Sales and CSM teams. 

With other tools, you can up your knowledge base management game by automatically transcribing videos, chapterizing, summarizing and making them searchable. 

What do people usually get wrong?

Here are a few traps people commonly fall into:

  1. Not giving enough context: Often, users mistakenly think that a 2-liner prompt is sufficient. However, the better and more detailed the context provided, the more refined and relevant the output will be. Context is key, and providing it helps in obtaining desired results. Iterative feedback not only refines the output but also helps in understanding the nuances of prompt engineering. While context is crucial, overloading a prompt with too many details can also confuse the desired outcome. Striking a balance is key.
  1. Relying too heavily on the initial output: Don't accept the first output without question. Challenge or refine the responses. Work with it, as you would work with a human assistant that has access to a lot of knowledge, but doesn’t have much experience. Specific instructions can help, like giving character limits for headlines or clearly communicating what works and what doesn’t. Continual iteration and direction allow for more precision.
  1. Confusing prompt types: A prompt is typically either reflexive (aimed at enhancing) or prospective (geared towards research). I don’t think it can be effective at both. 
  1. Not iterating on your prompts: AI, especially models like ChatGPT, evolve over time. Regularly revisiting and adjusting prompts can lead to better results.
  1. Failing to embrace these new tools altogether: AI won't replace your job, but those who understand and leverage AI effectively will have a significant advantage over those who don't.

Are there other tools you recommend and why?

There are so many tools, with more available every week. Future Tools does a good job of listing and organizing them. Their weekly newsletter is a good resource. 

When it comes to writing good prompts specifically, I like Prompt Perfect (Freemium). This tool is invaluable for refining your prompting foundations. Not only does it help in optimizing token consumption, but it also allows for output comparisons to ensure enhancements have been made. It's a practical tool for those looking to get the most out of their AI interactions.

Beyond any tool, the most essential asset is an inquisitive mind. The quality of AI outputs is often directly proportional to the context provided. So, always stay curious. Continuously seek out new models and paradigms. 

For people who want to go deeper,  what services do you offer and where can people find you?

At Maestrix, the AI arm of Growth Concierge, we're pioneering the integration of AI into growth and marketing strategies. We offer:

Expert Consultation: we demystify how AI can be tailored to your unique business challenges and opportunities.

Outcome Acceleration: we elevate efficiency, productivity, and growth trajectories.

Custom Development, Training, and Support: We offer continuous support and training. Our goal is to empower your team, ensuring they're well-equipped to weave AI seamlessly into your business fabric.

You can contact Guillaume at